Author: cparker
Painting Architecture and Urban Scenes with Gouache, Wallingford, PA Community Arts Center, 12 weeks, 3/12 – 6/4/2025
Wednesdays, 1:30-4:30 pm. A course in painting architectural subjects and city scenes in gouache, using photographs as a reference. Overcome your reluctance to take on houses, shops and other structures in your painting because they’re “too complicated”. This simplified approach uses measured observation to reduce the complexity to basic forms, and then refine them with your…
Past Workshop: Landscape Painting from Photographs with Gouache – Jester Artspace Workshop, Jan 18 & 25, 2025
Tickets still available for January 25th. If you have any problems ordering, please contact me: email hidden; JavaScript is required Saturday January 18th & Saturday, January 25th, 2025, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon Presented by Jester Artspace. The class will include instruction in creating a composition, transferring photographic reference to your paper using a grid,…
Perspective for Plein Air Painting and Urban Sketching, March 15 & 22, 2025
Presented by Jester Artspace. Improve your confidence when sketching and painting architectural subjects with a workshop in linear perspective. We’ll make basic perspective drawings, with horizon line, vanishing points and measuring points, and then learn how to apply that knowledge to sketching and painting in the field. We’ll also explore a method of drawing perspective…
Past Class: Still Life Painting with Gouache, an 8 week class at the Wallingford, PA Community Arts Center, 1/8/25-2/26/25
Wednesdays, 1:00-4:00pm A class in painting still life in gouache, open to all levels, beginners or experienced. Classical still life techniques will be taught using gouache, a versatile and fun to work with medium that allows working from dark to light, like oil, but thins and cleans up with water like watercolor. Topics will include,…
Past Class: Landscape Painting from Photographs with Gouache – 10 week class at the Delaware Art Museum, 1/14 – 3/19/2025
Gouache is a fun and easy to use water based medium that dries quickly to a beautiful matte finish. It is an opaque version of watercolor. Unlike transparent watercolor, gouache allows for painting light colors over dark, providing greater freedom in how a painting is created. The class will include instruction in choosing a composition,…
Past Class: Sketching and Painting Architecture in Ink & Watercolor, 10 week class at the Delaware Art Museum – 1/16 – 3/20/2025
Offered by the Delaware Art Museum Thursdays, January 16 – March 20, 20205; 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm Enjoy the fun of sketching buildings and urban scenes with ink and watercolor — a technique that encompasses the visual appeal of both drawing and painting. Topics will include choosing a subject, creating a composition, taking both…
Past Demo: Free Gouache Painting Demo, Swarthmore, PA – Saturday, September 28, 2024
As part of the Wallingford Community Arts Center’s Fine arts and Crafts Festival in Swarthmore, PA, I will be doing a gouache painting demo in the Community Arts Center’s booth, likely early or mid afternoon. The festival itself runs from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and features a range of artists and crafters, as well…
Past Demo: Free Plein Air Gouache Painting and Urban Sketching Demos, Oct 5th, 2024
As part of the Jester Artspace housewarming and ribbon cutting, I will be doing free demos of Plein Air Painting in Gouache and Urban Sketching in Ink and Watercolor on Saturday, October 5th. Along with other artists, I will be doing a gouache plein air demonstration from noon to 1:15 pm, and urban sketching from…
Past Workshop: <span>Fall Plein Air Painting in Gouache, 2 afternoon workshop – Jester Artspace, Oct 19 and 26, 2024</span>
Saturday October 19, and Saturday, October 26, 2024 – 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm (Rain Date: Saturday, November 1, 2024) Presented by Jester Artspace Two fun Fall afternoonss exploring plein air painting in gouache (opaque watercolor). Beginners can learn the fundamentals of plein air painting and using gouache, and more experienced painters can improve their…
Past Class Sketching in Ink and Watercolor, 6 week class in Wallingford, PA, 9/11-10/16/2024
Time: 9:00 AM-12:00 PM EDT on Wed Enjoy the fun of sketching with ink and watercolor — a technique that encompasses the visual appeal of both drawing and painting. The class will include choosing a subject, creating a composition, taking both a methodical and loose approach, line quality, paint handling, and the simplified fundamentals of…