Tuesdays, June 18 – July 23 | 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Location: Delaware Art Museum, Wilmington, DE.
Yes, Oil Painting, not gouache! Gouache painters may find this to be an easier introduction to painting in oils than coming directly from transparent watercolor. The ability in oils to work opaquely and in layers back and forth from dark to light is similar to the way you can work in gouache.
This is a full six-week indoor evening class that covers the basics of oil painting, painting both landscape from photographs and directly from still life.
Learn the fundamentals of oil painting with a limited palette, with instructor demonstration and individual instruction. In addition to oil painting basics, the class will cover composition, color mixing and brush handling.
You can paint solvent free with water mixable oils! If you have been reluctant to try oil painting because of the use of solvents, here is an opportunity to try water mixable oils without making an investment in paint. Students who prefer, can bring their own traditional oil paint.
Water mixable oil paints will be provided for the class, students bring remaining supplies. (All levels) Here is the Suggested Materials List.
Here is the Extended Materials List (the wordy version with additional information about the suggested materials and where to get them).
$185 Delaware Art Museum Members, $210 Non-Members.
Instructor: Charley Parker
Registration is closed.